Posted by Sanghamitra
Now a day’s ‘Yoga’ becomes a familiar buzzword. You open social media, morning newspaper or Yoga Day banner – you pretty well know the standard Yoga poses. But here is the caution – practice those commonly shown poses at your own risk, or you can end up with reverse effects like chronic back injury or no such impact at all.
Why Yoga?
We live in a society where we constantly stimulate our minds and nervous systems. Yoga provides the space to calm down and restore a sense of equilibrium to your mind. Yoga is an extensive set of spiritual experiences and practices aimed at integrating the mind, body, and spirit into the world to achieve a state of enlightenment or harmony.
How to start with?
Here the question comes – How can you start when you are just a beginner and want to get most of the benefits of Yoga? Here are a few things to check with after you have decided to do Yoga:
1. Ensure you are in empty stomach (or post 3 hours you fed your tummy)
2. A warm bath can be soothing
3. Loose-fitting, comfortable clothes
4. Make sure to chant ‘AUM’ sound to take a deep dive in your inner self, chanting certain mantra could lift your mood and readiness
5. Use a comfortable mat and preferably with a touch of nature.
Once you all set, the very next thing you require is a guru or trainer with whom you can start practicing the basic simple yoga poses. If you are from India or from anywhere in the world and want to get the actual essence of yoga practice, you must come to the world’s yoga capital – Rishikesh. You will be relax and feel rejuvenate after having experience of Yoga and Meditation in Rishikesh.
How often?
You can practice six days in a week but ensure to start with short sessions (20-30min initially). What makes you keep going is regularity and dedication, which leads to significant benefit in your body, mind and lifestyle.
6 Must-know Yoga poses
Here are 6 simple and easy but effective poses which you can try as beginner:
1. Adho Mukha Savanasana
2. Tadasana
3. Virabhadrasana II
4. Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasan
5. Urdhva Mukha Savanasana
6. Vriksasana