Blessed to be born in indian himalayan region, brought up and nurtured with love and grace of numerous himalayan Yogis and Masters we have come a long way. A journey from scattered visions and ambitions to a deep integration of life at large.
It is through yoga in various styles and expressions we understood the underlying denominator to all. Self Awareness, the Self of one and all beating and throbbing in all expressing from micro to macro in one expression of self love.
YOGA TOURS INDIA,invites and welcomes everyone from all walks of life to share with you what has been graced and bestowed upon us by great masters and yogis. Some still in body and some in spirit, gently guiding and helping us to see what lies beyond body and senses at the very seat of awareness at our very core. The undiluted, self luminous self in one and all.
Yoga Tours India provides yoga alliance registered yoga studios those conduct yoga teacher training courses (yoga ttc) ,guided meditation classes, yoga retreats in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.
Before entering into practicing yoga, patanjali stipulated a number of personal rules and social codes of conduct known as yamas and niyamas respectively....
Yoga is an approach to learn and comprehend the profound India. Likewise, yoga is related with the way of life and legacy of India. The beginning of yoga is viewed as old as human civilization. ...
Our 4 weeks intensive Yoga Teacher Training Course in Uttarakhand transforms you into a happy and healthy life. Learn the secret ingredients of happiness from our Yogis and masters.
Start your day with the kapalabhati, Nari shodhan pranayama in the lap of the nature and feel the profound relaxation throughout your mind, body, and soul. Life is all about performance; your performance decides your future.
Give yourself a healthy treat with Yoga Tours India and start relishing every moment of your life. Just close your eyes breathe, inhale,exhale and feel the refreshment in you.
Peace, Serenity & wholesome living is not what comes to you by accident. It is a active & concious choice you make to to go beyond that, which is hurting you. Choose your freedom in the very midst of all this chaos & fearful atmosphere we all have contributed to in someway.
Choose now !! This moment is the most auspicious moment. Once you learn to throb & pulsate in this very moment as life itself, you will come to this realisation that life is not a struggle to churn out a few lucky peaceful & comfortable moments but a constant flow.
And the flow is you, your own breath, your own presence. Once you are in touch with your own divine presence you come to see that there are no journeys to make anymore, no striving, no seeking. That there is no way from "here" to "here". All there is, is a homogeneous, boundless, all inclusive expanse of life. That you are not living a life but life itself at large.
Learn the wheels of yoga
The courses are being designed to give a taste & blend of Iyengar & Hata yoga although we feel the essence of all yoga style leads you to same fundamental source & taste. Yoga is the wheel of your healthy life. From ancient times Rishikesh is known for the “Tapobhumi.” So the environment of the Yoga Tours India gives the extra added benefits for your yoga journey.
And the Yoga Tours India designed the course curriculum to start as a beginner and become a Confident Yogi or teacher.
Become a part of our Yoga Teacher Training course in Rishikesh for enabling your spiritual journey.
Individual session
We take care of your individual needs. So you can get the individual session if you need it. Share your problems, thoughts, and queries with your yoga Gurus and get the magical solution of the simple and the easy way of living. Learn the secrets of empowering your fitness goal by learning Yoga and meditation in Rishikesh.
Yoga Tours India provides Yoga Alliance Registered yoga studios those conduct yoga courses in Uttarakhand like 100,200,300 Hrs TTC and giving certifications after completion of that particular course . During the year, we offer many 200, 300, and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses in rishikesh.
Eligibility of our program
Anyone can join, but you have to enthusiastic about finding happiness in life.
Yoga Tours India offers you the best yoga moment by providing you with the best ambience of Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh.
Feel the dazzling beauty of the mountain and the river and give yourself a relaxing treat by letting go all of your negative thoughts. Yoga retreats at Yoga Tours India is the best place to do yoga and meditation in Rishikesh
“Your home is where your soul is.”
Your soul is always connected with your home. The beauty of the house is the non-live entity, but you feel the lively attachment with your home.
The beauty of the house is the non-live entity, but you feel the lively attachment with your home. This is for the connection with your soul.
Keeping in mind about your attachment, Yoga Tours India provides you with the pleasing homely ambience through its Yoga Retreats. Here you can “relax, rejuvenate, and recharge”.
Visit here and feel to no to go back to your monotonous life.
Let’s have a look at what you can get here?
~ Warm welcome
~ Clean and hygienic environment
~ Fundamental to moderate amenities in every room according to your needs
~ Foods are simple as home
~ Feel the artistry touch of the God in the nature of Rishikesh
~ Feel the connection
Collect lots of added positivity and connection in your bag.
Get more from us by our Teacher training course in Rishikesh“
“Train yourself to get the taste of every bit of life.”
Yoga is not only your fitness regime, “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”.
We welcome to become a part of our Yoga journey by attending our Teacher training course in uttarakhand.
Yoga Tours India is inviting you to learn all the aspects of yoga and meditation to gain confidence. Yoga is all about “the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”Our primary focus is on giving you the inner strength to reflect your inner voice to the world.