30 May
The Grey Matter in the yogi is the X factor

Written by Siddharth Bennerji

blog yogi grey

Let us take the example of politics and administration; we all know that the major conflicts arise there due to clash of extreme thoughts between various strata of people. Similarly Business goals and development often have a clash with conservation and protection of resources. Even wars are the result of such extremism and intolerance.

The world talks of sustainable growth, sustainable economy, sustainable development and a sustainable living. Basically a way of life that can be sustained for long and causes least possible damage to mankind, society, nature and natural resources.

Too much exploitation of naturalresources shall lead to global environmental destruction whereas complete non usage would not help mankind develop. Even here this balanced approach is a needful, to undergo a development that is sustainable enough and does not focus on extremes.

If yoga touches the masses, this approach of balance and sustainability shall be automatically get inculcated in the mindsets of people, the essence of the Middle way approach shall naturally proliferate in them. No doubt a holistic and meaningful growth and development can be achieved by adopting this yogic way of life.